Monday 26 February 2024

Fundamentals To Know About Electrophoresis Power Supply


An electrophoresis power supplier is a device that supplies a steady, direct current to the electrophoresis system while also indicating and enabling control over the supply current and voltage usage. Put another way, this apparatus supplies the energy required for this system to operate correctly, enabling the execution of this crucial laboratory procedure.

The electrophoresis power supply’s power is intended for protein, RNA, and DNA separation. Consequently, malfunctions in the electrophoresis system's electrical supply can lead to malfunctions in the technique's execution, so we need to be certain that the source functions properly and has enough capacity to meet the power needs of all the system's internal elements.

The working principle and Characteristics 

To power electrophoresis systems, a power supply's alternating current must be converted to direct current before being sent to the equipment that needs it. Because of this, it functions as a regulator, rectifier, and transformer at its output in order to prevent spikes in voltage that might harm the entire system.

Characteristics of an energy source

The capacity of a power source is one of its primary features. Among them are the following:

  • Voltage: The voltage range that a source can produce. Since this range cannot be exceeded, it is crucial to make sure that the source conforms to the voltage ranges required for each of the operations.
  • Current: Indicates the range of current that the power supply is capable of producing. This range, like the voltage characteristic, cannot be exceeded.
  • Power: This characteristic shows us the highest possible voltage and current that the source is capable of providing. As there are dual-range or multi-range sources that enable varying voltage and current levels but are power-restricted, it is crucial to confirm this feature.

The process of electrophoresis

Electrophoresis is an experimental method that relies on molecule migration through an open gel or matrix. By applying an electric field, the molecules can be separated depending on their dimensions or molecular weight. This is made possible by the operation of an electrophoresis power supply.

Electrophoresis chambers can be categorized based on whether the support is positioned vertically or horizontally. The vertical kind is only used with polyacrylamide gel; the horizontal ones are distinguished by the buffer covering the gel entirely and having some wells where the sample may be placed.

The electrical charge, the nature and depth of the matrix, the ionic strength, and the make-up of the buffering solutions that are utilized to build the matrix are some of the variables that affect the migration and separation speed of the molecules. This is how positively charged molecules move toward the cathode, or negative pole, while negatively charged molecules move toward the anode or positive pole. After the molecules have moved, their location can be identified by using a particular stain suited for the molecule being examined.

At iGene Labserve, we provide an electrophoresis power supply system that will make your task much easier and more efficient. To check out the system, visit our website ( For further information, contact us at 18005720603 and

Tuesday 13 February 2024

Unveiling the Mysteries of DNA Extraction: A Step-by-Step Guide 🧬 🔬

DNA extraction is the gateway to unlocking the secrets encoded within our genetic material. Whether you're a scientist in a lab or an enthusiast conducting home experiments, mastering the art of DNA extraction opens doors to a world of discovery. In this blog, we'll unravel the intricate steps involved in DNA extraction, demystifying the process for beginners and seasoned researchers alike. Additionally, we'll explore the pivotal role played by tools like the High-Speed Tissue Homogenizer in streamlining this essential procedure.

Step 1: Sample Collection

The journey begins with sample collection. Whether you're working with plant tissue, animal cells, bacteria, or any other biological material, obtaining a representative sample is crucial. Ensuring the sample's integrity at this stage is paramount, as it directly impacts the success of subsequent steps.

Step 2: Cell Lysis

Once you have your sample, the next step is cell lysis, where the cell membranes are broken open to release the precious DNA they harbor. Various methods can be employed for cell lysis, including mechanical disruption, enzymatic digestion, or chemical treatment. Here's where tools like the High-Speed Tissue Homogenizer shine. With its rapid and efficient tissue disruption capabilities, the homogenizer ensures thorough cell lysis, maximizing DNA yield.

Step 3: DNA Extraction

With the cellular contents liberated, it's time to extract the DNA. This step typically involves separating the DNA from other cellular components such as proteins, lipids, and RNA. Common DNA extraction methods include phenol-chloroform extraction, silica-based purification, and spin column techniques. The choice of method depends on factors like sample type, throughput, and downstream applications.

Step 4: Purification and Precipitation

Following DNA extraction, purification and precipitation steps are often employed to remove impurities and concentrate the DNA. Ethanol or isopropanol precipitation is a common method used to precipitate DNA from solution. Centrifugation is then utilized to collect the DNA pellet, which is washed with ethanol to remove residual contaminants.

Step 5: DNA Resuspension

The final step involves resuspending the purified DNA in a suitable buffer or solvent, ensuring its stability and suitability for downstream applications. The concentration and purity of the DNA can be assessed using spectrophotometry or fluorometry before proceeding with further experiments such as PCR, sequencing, or cloning.


DNA extraction is a fundamental technique that underpins numerous applications in molecular biology, genetics, forensics, and beyond. By following these step-by-step guidelines and leveraging advanced tools like the High-Speed Tissue Homogenizer, researchers can efficiently extract high-quality DNA from diverse biological samples, paving the way for groundbreaking discoveries and innovations.

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