Wednesday 23 November 2022

Do You Know the Types and Applications of Laminar Air Flow?

laminar air flow comprises a chamber with an attached air blower that permits the flow of air with a certain velocity in straight lines. This equipment is primarily used in microbiology laboratories for conducting diverse experiments. A laminar flow hood provides a contaminant-free work environment by filtering and capturing every type of impurity particle penetrating the cabinet. It uses a special filter system termed a high-efficiency particulate air filter, which can eliminate airborne impurity particles up to 0.3 mm in size. A laminar airflow chamber is also referred to as a tissue culture hood.

Types of laminar air flow cabinet

A laminar air flow system can be classified into three categories:

  1. Vertical laminar air flow chamber: A vertical laminar airflow hood comprises a fan that is attached to the roof of the cabinet. The fan sucks the air and directs the same downwards in a vertical direction. The air passes from the top of the cabinet towards its bottom thereby undergoing a positive pressure. It is comparatively safe since the air doesn’t get directed toward the user. However, there is a limitation of this chamber since it demands double installation of HEPA filters and is comparatively expensive.
  2. Horizontal laminar air flow chamber: This laminar air flow type is rather large and spacious. The HEPA filter is mounted at the back of the cabinet. The air flows from back to front directly at the user. However, you can’t operate a horizontal laminar airflow cabinet without operating the front glass sash. The pre-filter is attached to the front wall of the box beneath the work surface and sucks air from the front. The blower is positioned at the bottom portion. A horizontal laminar airflow cabinet isn’t suitable for dangerous operations since the airflow hits the user directly. When it comes to protecting the sample, horizontal laminar airflow cabinets are the best choice because they provide more laminar air layers.

Steps involved in using a laminar airflow cabinet

Let’s have a look at the steps you need to follow while using a laminar air flow cabinet:

  1. Clean the area surrounding the device so that no heavy dust gets attached to the filters.
  2. Turn on the fan while keeping the lid open.
  3. Run the airflow for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Open the lid and clean the surfaces with pure alcohol.
  5. Close the lid and switch on the UV lamp.
  6. Keep the lamp on for 15 minutes.
  7. Switch off the UV lamp and turn on the interior cabinet light.

Applications of laminar airflow cabinets

A laminar air flow cabinet is extensively used in biochemistry labs for obvious reasons. Since microbe and tissue cultures are sensitive to particles floating in the air, they have to be protected using laminar airflow cabinets. In the pharmaceutical realm, the labs use these cabinets to work with medicines and test cultures. Given below are some of the uses of laminar flow hoods:

  1. Laminar cabinets are widely used in research labs for contamination-sensitive processes.
  2. Lab processes like the culture of organisms and media plate preparation can be conducted inside the cabinet.
  3. Operations associated with particle-sensitive electronic devices are performed inside the chamber.
  4. Drug preparation techniques are also conducted inside the cabinet to provide a particulate-free environment during the operations.

As you can understand, a laminar air flow chamber is a useful instrument when you need to do certain work so very sensitive that even external air can damage it. This creates a sterile and clean atmosphere inside the chamber and gives you the scope to work with sensitive items like electronic wafers or tissue culture. Laminar airflow cabinets are lightweight and comparatively cheap and portable while being eco-friendly at the same time.

Thursday 17 November 2022

What is the Biological Safety Cabinet used for?



Biosafety Cabinets are specialized workstations widely used in clinical, pharmaceutical, life science, and industrial laboratories where experiments need a highly contaminant-free environment.

Friday 11 November 2022

PCR Machine: Everything You Need to Know


Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) machines are used to amplify certain segments of DNA and RNA that are picked from the genome by implementing a primer. PCR machines are highly efficient and cost-effective tools that researchers use to make millions of copies of a small segment of DNA. These devices blend the principles of complementary nucleic acid hybridization with nucleic acid replication to create target DNA/RNA sequences within a few hours.

Significance of a PCR machine

As mentioned above, a PCR machine is used to make numerous copies of a small segment of DNA. This process is also termed “molecular photocopying”. It enables scientists to amplify DNA so that they can know more about its characteristics. Amplification is needed because with a single DNA, it’s impossible to work during genetic and molecular analyses. A PCR machine produces the amplified DNA that helps researchers when it comes to the investigation of genetic diseases, identification of bacteria/viruses, and DNA fingerprinting.

How does it function?

It won’t be an exaggeration to state that the advancements in the realm of life science would be impossible without PCR. This laboratory equipment has hugely contributed to several innovations. The polymerase chain reaction is divided into three steps as listed below:

  1. Denaturing
  2. Annealing
  3.  Extension

The essential reagents include:

  • DNA template
  • Primers
  • DNA polymerase
  • dNTPs
  •  PCR Buffer

Types of PCR machines

Given below are some of the common types of PCR machines:

  • Conventional PCR machine: Scientists conduct a conventional polymerase chain reaction to amplify a target DNA sequence to several million within a short period. This PCR machine type permits the replication of cellular genetic material with a polymerase enzyme to construct certain fragments of DNA.
  • qPCR: It is a variation of the conventional polymerase chain reaction which uses a single machine to blend the amplification of a DNA sequence with the quantification of the DNA concentration in any reaction. This is accomplished using fluorescence-detecting thermocyclers. Unlike PCR, qPCR offers a quicker alternative to facilitate analysis by identifying products in real-time during the exponential phase.
  • dPCR: Digital PCR devices are the most reliable and precise devices on the market. They provide counts of target DNA with enhanced sensitivity, reproducibility, and accuracy. A digital polymerase chain reaction has the potential to disrupt molecular analysis technology on each level.
As mentioned earlier, a PCR machine is grounded on Polymerase Chain Reaction and generates copies of genes exponentially. Usually, the PCR cycling reactions are conducted in an automated thermocycler, which has the capacity to cool and heat the reaction tubes within a short period. PCR machines are categorized based on the capacity of PCR and are used to detect DNA sequences, replication of DNA, forensic analysis, DNA fingerprinting, and molecular cloning.

Thursday 10 November 2022

Do You Know the 5 Types of Laboratory Fume Hoods?


When you work with chemicals, it’s necessary that you invest in a ventilation system to prevent toxic fumes from emitting into the air. You need to have laboratory fume hoods, particularly while operating with dust, vapors, and gases. Needless to state, these substances are hazardous and can affect your health in several ways. In other words, fume hoods protect you from breathing these harmful particles. These hoods also defend you from chemical pills and explosions. Some hoods also come with spill-containment features, which is particularly important while operating with extremely hazardous materials. So, let’s explore the types of laboratory fume hoods:

  1. Bench-top fume hood: It is a type of hood that is placed on a work surface approximately 30 degrees above the floor. Along with the bench-top fume hood, you also require a supporting base cabinet and an exhaust blower. This fume hood type also requires ductwork that will be factored into your installation costs.
  2. Floor-mounted fume hood: Also referred to as a walk-in fume hood, it is installed from the floor up instead of being positioned on another surface. A floor-mounted fume hood resembles a small room that allows you to work inside the space. These laboratory fume hoods are an ideal choice while you are operating with oversized accessories like processing units and drums or dealing with toxic chemicals. The presence of large doors enables you to roll large tables or apparatus into the area as required. These fume hoods come in different sizes based on your needs. The conventional models range from 7 to 15 feet high, 6 to 5 feet wide, and 4 to 9 feet deep. The best thing is these models can be customized to fit your desired expectations.
  3. Double-faced fume hood: This fume hood is a perfect choice for demonstrations. A double-faced fume hood comes with entrances on both sides and permits 360-degree viewing. This fume hood can be a typical bench top, a portable unit, or a wall installation. It’s the reason why they are widely used in classrooms and laboratories. These laboratory fume hoods are particularly useful in shared learning environments since the fume hood may need to be moved from one classroom to another.
  4. Portable fume hood: Also referred to as recirculating range hoods, portable fume hoods are ductless, and are embedded in a carbon filter system. One of the major benefits of these hoods is they are easier to install and affordable at the same time. They also use less energy and contribute to sustainability. The installation process demands no wall penetration or ductwork. Usually, they are smaller or on wheels so that you can move them to various areas of your lab. If energy usage is your concern, these eco-friendly laboratory fume hoods can be the perfect choice for you. However, there are certain disadvantages to portable fume hoods. These hoods filter out toxins in a method that can affect the health of workers at large. The filters of portable fume hoods also require regular maintenance. These fume hoods can be a great choice if you operate with small amounts of chemicals.

Choosing the right laboratory fume hoods for your experiments is a tricky affair. You need to consider several factors in this regard. For instance, you have to consider how big your project is, and the chemicals you will be using. At the same time, you should also focus on the budget.

If you are searching for high-quality laboratory fume hoods, your search ends at Here, you will come across a wide range of lab accessories that will address your research needs. IGene Labserve has cemented its place by highlighting unparalleled fortitude when it comes to offering laboratory scientific solutions for healthcare, proteomics, genomics, biopharma, drug discovery, and beverage laboratories.

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