Thursday 12 September 2024

Why Is a Centrifugal Vacuum Concentrator a Versatile Tool For Laboratory Research?


Centrifugal vacuum concentrators combine heat, vacuum, and centrifugal force to evaporate several small samples quickly and gently into wet or dry pellet state. The mainstay of the process is removing the solution effectively and continuously by reducing the pressure exerted. Centrifugal vacuum concentrators are used for liquid evaporation and concentration of RNA. Nucleotides, DNA, and proteins required for further research in the laboratory. The technique is widely used in genomics, proteomics, cell biology, drug development, and microbiology.

Applications of centrifugal vacuum concentrator

The following are the most important applications of the centrifugal vacuum concentrator:

·         The equipment is used in hospital laboratories for the concentration of blood and urine metabolites.

·         It is essentially used in biotech experiments like purification, drying, and concentration of RNA, DNA, and proteins

·         Analysis of environmental drugs, residual pesticides, hazardous environmental agents, and dioxins

·         For evaporation and sample concentration in various fields like biological, clinical, biotechnology, medical testing, and pharmaceuticals

·         Testing food safety for residual pesticides and additives

Why the vacuum concentrator is considered a vital tool?

Scientific laboratories leverage efficiency and precision when buying the tools and one among them is the centrifugal vacuum concentrator. This tool acts like a go-to option for lab workers who are constantly engaged with complex chemical mixtures or sensitive biological samples. Understanding why it is called a vital tool to be used in laboratory settings can help you pick the right equipment with ease.

1.      Aids sample concentration

The main function of a centrifugal vacuumconcentrator is what the name suggests and that is concentration of samples under reduced pressure and by removing solvents. This process of concentrating samples is considered highly efficient and promotes quick evaporation of samples without applying heat.  Evaporation is accelerated when a combined action of centrifugal force and vacuum pressure is activated within the concentrator.

When researchers work with valuable and sensitive samples, the mechanism of the concentrator is of immense help as it helps save time and allows researchers to stay deeply focused on what is most important to them or analysis of samples instead of preparing samples.

2.      Handles various sample types

Centrifugal vacuum concentrators are not only a revolutionary laboratory tool but also versatile equipment. No wonder, it is widely used for handling multiple sample types in the field of pharmaceuticals, biology, and environment. Wondering what lends such versatility to this device? Primarily, concentrators have customisable settings to accommodate different types and volumes of solvents.  From small amounts of liquids to large sample volumes, laboratory workers leverage the customised settings to meet the specific requirements of the research.

3.      Maintaining the integrity of samples

Maintaining sample integrity is one of the primary benefits of a centrifugal vacuum concentrator. What makes the operation of this equipment different from the conventional evaporation method is that it does not rely on heat, which usually changes the sensitive compounds; instead it operates using lower temperatures.

 Therefore, the process is gentler and minimises the risk of losing volatile compounds and thermal degradation and allow the sample to remain in the original state.  All this is going to play a significant role in the field of proteomics, metabolomics, and genomics wherein the integrity and originality drive accurate results.

4.      Energy-efficiency and space

Laboratories often look for ways to maximise the available space and this is where the convenient design of centrifugal vacuum concentrators come to help. The equipment comes with a compact design making it an ideal choice for laboratories where lack of space is an emerging issue. Along with a space-saving design, concentrators are energy-efficient as well. Therefore, they use less power compared to various other sample concentration methods that rely on heating. The eternal combination of space and energy efficiency not only reduces operational costs but resonates with various environment-friendly laboratory practices.

5.      User-friendly operations

The user-friendliness of a laboratory device is an important parameter for buying them. Several models of centrifugal vacuum concentrators come with a flurry of features like customisable settings and intuitive controls, allowing users to set parameters based on their needs. The user-friendly operations also minimises the chances of errors, making it more accessible to even those who do not know about this technology. Finally automated devices free up researchers and give them more time to focus on various other critical tasks.

You are now familiar with the indispensability of a centrifugal vacuum concentrator, which is a vital tool for modern laboratories. So, if you are all set to replenish your microbiology laboratory with this multi-faceted device, connect with IGene Labserve, the renowned manufacturer of scientific and industrial tools. Click here to explore our offerings.

Friday 9 August 2024

How to Keep The Stability Chamber In Top Shape With General and Preventive Maintenance?

Is the stability chamber in your laboratory rendering peak performance?  If your answer is no, running preventive and general maintenance may serve the purpose.  Not conducting maintenance checks may mean that you will find yourself repairing the damages or the worst case scenario is buying a new instrument.

You may have some very pertinent questions about the preventive maintenance techniques of the stability chamber. Here is what you need to know about maintaining the cleanliness of this equipment:

·         Conduct regular inspection of the device

During the preventive maintenance check of the stability chamber, you need to examine its key components and document the record of inspection. However, before you run the check, be sure to prepare a checklist and adhere to it when doing the work. That way, you can gauge how well or bad is the functioning of the device and the remedial stapes need to be taken.

·         Caring for the condenser and compressor

Maintaining the condenser and compressor is essential to determine whether the device is performing optimally or if there are any anomalies. If issues are detected during the process, you need to run maintenance checks more often so that right measures can be taken for seamless operation.

·         Preparing for emergencies

During the creation of a maintenance plan, you need to have a plan ready for equipment failure. Most importantly, you need to have an appropriate backup procedure in place to handle the emergencies.

Maintaining the humidification experience

For preventive maintenance of the humidification system of the stability chamber, there are three major components to consider:

·         Humidity system fan

You must replace the fan of the system when it completes about 55,000 hours of continued usage.

·         Filter

The filter of the stability chamber must be changed within every six months as it is a mixed bed filter. However, when the equipment runs more frequently, the duration of replacement will shorten and become four months.

·         Humidifier nebulising unit

The humidifier nebulising unit is a sensitive component and must be replaced within just 10,000 hours of continued usage.

General maintenance tips for stability chambers

Are you preparing to run a maintenance check on the stability chamber?  Here is how to make the process seamless:

v  During the maintenance check, you need to position the device on a strong base to ensure that the entire process runs with ease and fewer disruptions.

v  Don’t insert any inflammable substance inside the chamber when performing the checks.

v  Try to keep the space around the chamber clear

v  If anything happens inside the stability chamber and prevents it from running the maintenance check, you need to check if something is wrong. It may also indicate that it’s time to replace the chamber.

Once you prepare the chamber for running maintenance checks, here are the general maintenance tips to follow:

·         Checking the filter

Based on the types of filters used inside the stability chamber, you must schedule replacement or clean them for optimal performance.

·         Insulation and door seals

Does the door seal of the chamber function correctly? Find out how much is the degree of wear and tear on the machine. If the seals are not damaged and the insulation seems perfect, you need not worry about replacing these parts of the chamber.

·         Cleaning the equipment properly

When it comes to cleaning of these chambers, you need to perform the procedure properly. However, you need to follow the cleaning instructions properly and adhere to the recommended cleaning agents.

·         Check the calibration

Checking the status of calibration is one of the essential maintenance tips to follow. In case, the readings do not come accurate, you need to call an expert for better outcome.

So, here is all you wanted to know about maintaining stability chambers ad ensuring optimal performance of this device. One of the major dilemmas that laboratory workers face is whether to conduct DIY maintenance or call an expert?  Now, it all depends on the complications that occur during the maintenance check. Overall, calling an expert for help may be essential when you also need to troubleshoot common issues within the device.

Are you yet to buy the stability chamber and looking for a reliable manufacturer? Trust I Gene Labserve for buying industrial-grade and laboratory equipment. Click here to explore the prices.

Wednesday 24 July 2024

What Is the Essential Criteria for Laboratory Centrifuge Selection and Optimizing the Workflow?

Are you trying to set a laboratory? What is the first device that you need to get for streamlining the operations? The high speed cooling centrifuge is one of those devices that help in separating the samples. Today, it is among those indispensable tools that revolutionises the method of separating, processing, and analysing biological samples. The device is capable of generating high-speed centrifuge that offers scientists and researchers to isolate various biological components, be it cells, proteins, sub cellular particles and cells.

What is high speed cooling centrifuge used for?

High-speed cooling centrifuge are used in laboratories for the following purposes:

  • Processing samples quickly and efficiently

When a high-speed centrifuge device goes into action, samples processing takes place faster than usual. Due to high rotational speed of the device, it is easier to separate biological components quickly and also results in rapid sedimentation.

  • Nucleic acid isolation and protein purification

With high speed cooling centrifuges, genomics and molecular biology research get an impetus as it plays a vital role in purifying proteins and isolation of nucleic acid. The separation of proteins and nucleic acids from complex mixtures leads to high-quality samples for sequencing, proteomics, and PCR.

  • Clinical diagnostics

The device is used in clinical laboratories to aid diagnostic processes like separation of red blood cells, plasma, and white blood cells to detect and analyse cells, enzymes, and hormones.

  • Studying cells and tissues

Cell and tissue research enters a new realm with a high speed cooling centrifuge. It is widely used to separate organelles, various types of cells, and sub-cellular components, facilitating how cells respond to various stimuli, characterising cellular processes, and differentiation.

  • Ecological and environmental research

High speed centrifuge devices are also used for ecological and environmental research. They help in separating and analysing environmental samples like soil and water; this in turn helps in identifying and quantifying pollutants, microorganisms, and various other components.

  • Sample separation based on density

The device enables separation of various components based on their density and aids in in-depth studies about the biochemical properties, interactions, and functions of organelles, cell structures, and sub-cellular particles.

Clearly, high speed cooling centrifuge is a path-breaking device that boosts the speed, precision, and efficiency of different separation tasks.

How to choose a high speed centrifuge device?

Shopping for a high speed cooling centrifuge becomes tricky and it calls for substantial investment for those trying to set up laboratories. No wonder the device you are planning to buy must suit your specifications and meet your future needs. So, here are the primary factors to address when picking a centrifuge for your laboratory:

  1. Availability of rotors

There are different models of centrifuge devices available and each ones comes fitted with different accessories and rotors. The rotor option you choose must align with the kind of vessel the device has; you can pick from swing-out or fixed-angle rotors, although some devices have both options. Note the maximum RCF when buying the device but ensure that the rotor can handle the required RCF.

  1. Check the safety features

Handling a centrifuge device comes with a flurry of potential risks. So, don’t forget to check the safety features carefully. The device should have the following safety features:

  • Sealed rotors
  • Electronic lid lock
  • Rotor recognition technology
  • Imbalance sensor


  1. RCF and RPM

You need a high speed cooling centrifuge, so check the maximum RCF and RPM carefully but give more priority to RCF. Typically, RCF is that force that is exerted on the components of the rotor. It depends on the radius of the motor and RPM.

  1. Range of temperatures

You will come across centrifuge devices that function well at room temperature, and hence have no options of heating or cooling. Besides, you have cooling centrifuge devices where temperature runs very low between -10 degrees Celsius to -20 degree Celsius. However, not every rotor can accomplish very low temperatures when using a refrigerated centrifuge. So, check the annual of the device and ask the manufacturer about the lowest temperature the models can reach.

  1. Logistics and other factors

When selecting the centrifuge device, be sure to choose the exact position where you need to place it as they produce vibration during operations, and need to be placed away from other devices. Moreover, some units also produce excessive noise, so don’t forget to check the noise level in decibels when the unit runs in maximum speed. Compare the noise levels of various units before you buy.

So, buying a high speed cooling centrifuge is a big decision. Therefore, you must be aware of the financial commitment that goes into it. For high-quality devices with customisations and proper accessories, check here and find out high-quality laboratory equipment can make a difference in research.

Monday 8 July 2024

How Are Advancements in PCR Technology Amplifying Progress in Indian Healthcare?


Real-time PCR has been revolutionizing the Indian healthcare scenario since its inception. Thanks to the technological wonders that it creates by analysing samples at a super fast speed has been an incredible journey until now. These tests have targeted some of the most deadly viruses like HIV or Human immunodeficiency virus, Hepatitis B or HBV and Hepatitis C or HCV virus. In recent times, PCR tests have also intervened in detecting infections related to organ transplantation.

With advancements that have led to more insightful Real-Time PCR Results, the conditions, organisms, and pathogens on which the tests are conducted have gone up significantly. That way, the healthcare industry has benefited massively, especially about the status of the patient.

PCR technology: creating benchmarks

The polymerase chain reaction or PCR technology is undoubtedly one of the benchmarks of modern medicine. Today, the uses of PCR machine have reached new heights for studying complex disorders like ailments of the middle ear, AIDS, Lyme disease, and TB. Not only for scientific and therapeutic purposes but legal sciences are also making use of it continuously. Read here to get a hang of what advancements in PCR technology means for the Indian healthcare industry.

  • Revolutionizing diagnostics

With advanced PCR techniques comes the convenience of increased sensitivity, resulting in better disease detection, leading to improved diagnosis of infectious diseases like Covid-19 and tuberculosis. A quick diagnosis naturally leads to immediate treatment and better outcomes. With newer Real-Time PCR Results that helps in analysing a patient’s genetic constitution, it can be used for personalising treatment plans for various diseases like cancer through the drug-resistance capacity of the individual. So, the results of advancements are clearly visible.

  • Improving public health

The technical improvements in PCR methods also help in monitoring the outbreak of various diseases. With that the public health department officials become more aware and go a long way in controlling the spread of highly infectious diseases like flu. The advanced assays of PCR can be used for the detection of those genes in an individual that reveal the level of antibiotic resistance in that individual. The better the results easier it is to tackle the increased threat of microbial infections.

  • Tool for molecular diagnostics

The increased need for quick diagnosis has led to a sharp demand of PCR detection. Naturally, they are widely used for detecting infectious diseases, cancers, genetic disorders, and various other health conditions. PCR technique helps in amplifying and detecting RNA and DNA sequences, making it one of the most preferred tools in molecular diagnostics.

  • Integration with NGS

PCR’s integration with NGS technologies aids in the analysis and sequencing of genetic material. With latest techniques like target capture and amplicon sequencing that are part of the enrichment methods. Using such techniques broaden the knowledge of genetic variations and their impact on various diseases.

  • POCT or Point-of-care-testing

Another rising and merging trend if POCT or Point-of-care-testing that aids on-site diagnosis. The uses of PCR machine for on-site testing have caught the attention of people; they are user-friendly and portable.

  • Technologically compliant

As far as technological advancements are concerned, the PCR technology has come across various stages. So, you are bound to come across improvements and changes in sensitivity, speed, specificity, and automation.  Therefore, these advancements have resulted in various PCR platforms that offer more accurate detection of infections and diseases.

The PCR detection technology has turned highly competitive. Thanks to several players in this industry. With more and more companies trying to work on more technologically-advanced PCR platforms and broadening their product base, it’s all about investing in research and development to gain a competitive edge.

Replacing workforce with advanced testing systems

With a constant growth and demand of testing, laboratories today need more workforces to meet the requirements. However, a limitation in qualified workforce can be replaced by analytical systems like PCR to address the issues, Laboratories too have scaled with the testing capabilities of these test detection devices.

The impact of the latest advancements has not only improved Real-Time PCR Results but are adept with features to generate reliable results for every sample. The other benefit is limiting the exposure of human workforce and lowering the instances of dealing with hazardous objects and infectious agents.

Want to get your hands on the latest PCR machines? Network with for high-quality scientific and industrial devices that offers 100% satisfaction.

Wednesday 26 June 2024

How to Match Your Needs and Maximize Results With the Right Laminar Flow Hood?


One can identify laminar flow hoods by several other names like laminar flow workstation, laminar flow cabinets or clean benches. However, the functionality of the equipment remains same. They are one of the essential tools used in laboratories to maintain an aseptic environment in different applications. Whether it is laminar air flow used in microbiology or electronics assembly, you will come across different types of equipment and features. So, you might feel overwhelmed when choosing the right hood. That is why we have compiled this guide for you to streamline critical processes in the laboratory and avoid contamination in the PCR application samples.

How to choose a suitable laminar air flow hood?

Are you are working in a laboratory and searching for a laminar air flow hood? Need equipment that fits your requirements perfectly? Well, you must be familiar with how crucial is this equipment for maintaining a sterile environment. Moreover, you should be well-versed with methods to contain infectious material that several microbiological procedures produce.

Now, laminar air flow indicates that the movement of air in the same direction at a uniform speed. There is minimal or no instance of air streams crossing over. Most biological laboratories that report sensitivity to contamination need laminar flow hoods to ensure that that particles move from the cleanest area below the hood to the exit area. To maintain a germ-free environment in the laboratory, you must choose a suitably designed flow hood.

How a laminar air flow hood works?

Before moving ahead to choose the right laminar air flow hood that matches your need, here is a brief account of how it works:

  • The flow hood comprises a fan, a filter pad, and a HEPA filter
  • The fan pulls air through the filter pad to pin down dust
  • The air that is freed from dust now moves through the HEPA filter and removes bacteria, fungi, and other contaminating particles from the air
  • Finally, sterilized and pure air flows across the work area and allow you to complete your flasking without worrying about contamination.

However, to truly maintain a sterile environment in your workstation, the HEPA filter on the hood need to eliminate all the air-borne particles. At the same time, the air speed in there must be around one-half m/s. If you fail to pick the right kind of design of the flow hood, it will reduce the overall quality and effectiveness of the flow hood. Moreover, it should have a high-quality filter for improved functionality.

Types of flow directions

You are familiar with the basic functionality and the advantages of laminar air flow hood. While the equipment needs to come fitted with high-quality parts, there are other parameter based on which you need to decide which airflow hood is a perfect fit for your workstation. The flow direction is one of the crucial determinants to help you decide the right equipment for your needs.  Explore here to know more about the air flow:

  • Horizontal air flow

Horizontal flow indicates that the air moves from the back of the work area to the front. It provides the highest protection to the culture when air flows to the personnel. On the other hand, the personnel get maximum protection when the air flows to the culture. Now, let’s dive into the pros and cons of horizontal flow to know if it is a good fit for your needs:


  • Minimal impact of turbulence or air striking on the work surface
  • The gloves, hand, and other safety tools are less likely to be contaminated due to downstream of the sample
  • It’s easier to position the equipment due to absence of sash


  • Air flows toward the personnel directly
  • You may have to reposition the laminar air flow hood to avail rear access
  • Fumes or powders often flow into the personnel’s face
  • When working with larger samples, airflow can be obstructed and samples downstream may be contaminated


  • Vertical air flow

In the vertical flow, air moves from the top of the area of work and down to the bottom and exits through the holes in the base. It is a good option if you are trying to safeguard your cultures and laboratory personnel. Here are the pros and cons explained:


  • Less floor space consumed due to low depth of the hood
  • Easier to safeguard laboratory personnel as air does blow on to them directly and a sash in the front of the operator’s face acts as the barrier
  • Air turbulence does not impact the object and processing equipment
  • Filter is located on the top of the unit makes it more accessible when changing the filters
  • Can be easily used during compounding of aseptic products


  • Using a step ladder may be necessary when changing the filter or maintenance to meet overhead clearance needs
  • Cannot hinder airflow by placing items or hands on top of others
  • Due to air striking on the work surface, the impact of turbulent air flow is maximum

Which laminar air flow hood should you choose?

Choosing the right air flow hood depends on nature of your laboratory operation. Therefore, you can pick a horizontal laminar flow hood when you need minimal airflow turbulence on the work surface, laboratory items are small, and you need to control contamination at the highest level. On the other hand, the vertical air flow hood is more appropriate when the equipment used on the work surface consists of larger items, there is likelihood of fine powders, and you need a taller and larger workspace.

To buy laminar air flow hood customised for your needs, stop at and meet your working demands satisfactorily.

Friday 7 June 2024

Bead Beater Vs High Pressure Homogenization: Which Method Should You Choose For Your Specific Needs?


The homogenisation technique is a fast-growing field and plays a crucial role in varied industries like pharmaceutical, chemical, biotech, cosmetic, and food. Wondering what it does? It involves mixing, blending, emulsifying, and finally dispersing or disrupting the sample particles to change their size and ensure that results are consistent.

When categorising homogenisation, you will come across three categories like ultrasonic homogenisation, high pressure homogenisation, and bead beater homogenisation, in reality, most of them fall into the category of high pressure and beater beating homogenisers. So, you need to learn the differences between these two categories so that you can pick the right one that suits your needs.


Bead beating homogeniser – things to know

You are aware that homogenisation is a significant step in various industrial and scientific procedures. From cell disruption to sample preparation and reducing the sample size, you can choose between bead beating and high pressure homogeniser. That’s why you need to understand the differences between these two homogenisation techniques to find out which one is more suitable for different applications. Let’s begin with the bead beater tissue homogeniser and understand what it involves:

Bead beating homogenisation uses a grinding media or beads. In this method, the sample is placed in a vessel or tube with the beads and the mixture is vigorously agitated using the bead beater. As the beads combine with the sample, an impact or mechanical force acts upon it, leading to the breakdown of particles or cells. It is an excellent technique for processing samples of tissues to be used for R&D or laboratories. The reasons why a bead beater homogeniser is preferred is its consistent and quick performance.  However, it might not work for large sample sizes as it operates within a closed system. Read here to know when you must choose this method:

  • Bead beating homogenisation is a highly effective method for processing several samples in one go.
  • The process occurs within a closed tube or vessel, reducing the chances of aerosol creation and limited user exposure
  • As the samples are disrupted using a combination of bead and tube, the risk of cross-contamination can be reduced greatly
  • The technique is most appropriate for samples containing infectious, toxic, and hazardous substances.
  • Beads of different sizes are used based on the applications
  • The bead beating technique is a highly effective method for extracting smaller molecules like proteins, nucleic acids, recovering live cells, and extracting dissociate tissues.
  • Large beads are suitable for breaking down dense samples whereas smaller beads are just right for cellular components.


Why use bead beater homogeniser?

Here is why you must use a bead beating technique for homogenising samples:

  1. Bead beating technique can be used for processing solid and liquid samples
  2. As it can process several samples at a given time, the method is suitable for high intake usage
  3. You can choose from different types of beads based on the application of bead beater homogenizer colony
  4. Closed tubs reduce the risk of cross-contamination and reduces the risk of aerosol formation
  5. A few units can be suitably used for hazardous and infectious materials, which increase the application for which the technology is used.
  6. Bead beating process can be performed using various solutions and buffers, making it just right for different applications


Disadvantages of bead beater homogeniser

  • Bead beater homogenisers are good for managing small samples as each tube can only hold a few grams or millilitres of samples
  • As the process involves vigorous shaking, small amounts of bead materials often move to the sample
  • The process often creates a lot of noise
  • A few models may need proprietary tubes, which increases the costs in the long run, especially for high intake applications
  • Generates heat due to friction between sample and beads
  • Samples often stick to the tube walls or beads, causing loss during the process of homogenisation
  • It is not suitable for large-scale applications


High pressure homogenisation: what you need to know

 The high pressure homogeniser is a technique where liquid samples move in a  narrow channel under high pressure conditions. When high pressure and shear force is applied to samples, the efficiency of disruption improves greatly. Besides, the process brings in additional forces, resulting in better emulsification of the product.

High pressure homogenisers are appropriate for handling large applications compared to bead homogenisers. Different units have different capacities and features, resulting in better homogenisation.


Advantages of high pressure homogenisers

  1. High pressure homogenisers are just right for processing large-sized liquid samples
  2. With them, disruption of the smallest size of samples can be made possible
  3. You can keep feeding various samples into the unit continuously into the unit, which may mean that there is no limitation in terms of sample sizes
  4. Due to the flexibility of the procedure high pressure homogenisation is the best technique to be used for a higher range of applications
  5. They have cooling systems for controlling temperature during the homogenisation process


Disadvantages of high pressure homogenisers

Despite its potential for homogenisation of large liquid samples, high pressure homogenisation technique has a fair share of disadvantages.

  • Unlike bead beater homogenisers these units are not capable of handling various samples at the same time and consistently, making it less efficient for high intake applications
  • These units are heavy and moving them around the laboratory is difficult
  • High pressure homogenisers take longer to clean
  • These units are generally more expensive and can be only used for processing large samples
  • They may not be suitable for processing highly viscous samples due to equipment limitations

So, here is a snapshot of bead beating and high pressure techniques used for homogenisation of samples in the laboratory. To buy the best-quality industrial, research, and academic laboratory equipment, stop at  to meet your working demands.

Why Is a Centrifugal Vacuum Concentrator a Versatile Tool For Laboratory Research?

  Centrifugal vacuum concentrators combine heat, vacuum, and centrifugal force to evaporate several small samples quickly and gently into ...